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Thread: New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !]

  1. #1
    blue milkshake

    New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !]

    Hi is Blue Milkshake and is a Cloti or rather a huge Cloud and Tifa supporter, and also like the Final Fantasies VII, VIII, and VI, Final Fantasy has a magical storyline with it's mature moments while Final Fantasy VIII shows the power of change of moving on from the past and finding the courage to step on from what haunted you in your past before, and Final Fantasy VI has amazing battle and boss music, good bosses and the game shows provides a challenge had to reset and start over don't know how many times !

    The other Final Fantasies are alright, also like reading, performing artworks with pencil and paint, playing some types of sport, socializing with friends, and studying ! yes, love to study !

    Can't wait to meet everybody here, and oh yes.. here is your giant strawberry coated cupcake, for the new welcoming ! [yum yum !] xD

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    F*ckin' Australia!

    Re: New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !]

    Welcome to TFF blue milkshake.
    Looks like you'll fit in here quite well (I think there's a big thread on who Cloud loves in the FFVII section that was getting updated constantly for a while), though I'd say I was more of a Clobar (Cloud x Barret supporter), I mean seriously, the two were made for eachother.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !] RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !]

    Welcome to TFF enjoy your stay and don't feed the animals.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

    My loving TFF Family:

    My beautiful go-go dancing Queen Aara
    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
    My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
    My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


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    Belgariad- David Eddings

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    The Tournament by Matthew Reilly


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    - ASS Creed III

  4. #4
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !] The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Re: New ! [ Free welcoming cupcakes for all !]

    Hello welcome to the TFF, hope you enoy your stay!

    Now Where's my cupcake?
    THE GREAT CONJUNCTION IS THE END OF THE WORLD! Or the beginning. Hm! -Aughra

    gaming service ID:

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